
"VelaShape combines the latest technologies for best results. Dr Haus used it on my upper legs...I will go back for my top up once a month"

The Times

"I've just had an amazing peel by Dr Ariel Haus, after which I even ventured outside without make-up on and my skin looked picture perfect"

Spa Secrets Magazine

"Dr Ariel Haus- London's leading Brazilian doctor"

Mayfair & St James's Life Magazine

"Dr Haus is convinced he can reshape my waist. By session four, my stomach is more toned, the skin texture better"

Evening Standard Newspaper

Wednesday 16 November 2011


O melasma é uma manifestação caracterizada por manchas escuras na face. O seu surgimento geralmente está relacionado à gravidez ou ao uso de anticoncepcionais hormonais (pílula) e tem como fator desencadeante a exposição da pele ao sol. Quando estas manchas ocorrem durante a gravidez, recebem a denominação de cloasma gravídico.

A doença aparece principalmente nas mulheres, mas também pode acometer os homens. Além dos fatores hormonais e da exposição solar, a tendência genética e características raciais também influenciam o surgimento do melasma.

A profundidade em que se localiza o pigmento na pele determina o tipo de melasma, que pode ser epidérmico (mais superficial e que responde melhor ao tratamento), dérmico (mais profundo e de tratamento mais difícil) ou misto.

Manifestações clínicas
A doença se caracteriza pelo surgimento de manchas escuras ou acastanhadas na face, principalmente nas regiões malares (maçãs do rosto), na testa, nariz, lábio superior e têmporas. As manchas geralmente tem limites precisos e são irregulares, formando placas que, em seu contorno, apresentam pontilhado pigmentar.

Para evitar o melasma, as mulheres não devem se expor ao sol sem proteção solar durante a gravidez ou uso de anticoncepcionais hormonais (pílula).
O cloasma gravídico pode desaparecer espontaneamente após a gravidez, não exigindo, às vezes, nenhum tipo de tratamento. No entanto, o tratamento acelera o seu desaparecimento. Após a melhora, a proteção solar deve ser mantida para evitar o retorno das manchas, que ocorre com bastante frequência.

Para o tratamento do melasma é fundamental o uso de protetores solares potentes sempre que houver exposição da pele ao sol ou mormaço, devendo-se dar preferência aos que contenham filtros físicos, que bloqueiam a passagem da radiação UV, como o dióxido de titânio. Sempre recomendo o Anthelios 50+da La Roche Posay ou Capital Soleil 50+ da Vichy e quando for aplicado, deve ser feito 20 minutos antes de sair de casa e ser bem generoso com a aplicação.

O tratamento é feito com o uso de substâncias despigmentantes, aplicadas na pele. A associação dos despigmentantes com alguns tipos de ácidos geralmente aumenta a eficácia daqueles. Quando o pigmento se localiza mais profundamente, a melhora é mais difícil, exigindo persistência para se obter um bom resultado.
Peelings superficiais podem acelerar o processo facilitando a penetração dos despigmentantes e ajudando a remover o pigmento das camadas superiores da pele. O tratamento deve ser orientado de acordo com cada caso, pelo médico dermatologista.

Tratamento é difícil
O tratamento do melasma é um desafio, já que a doença apresenta, muitas vezes, um curso refratário e recorrente, com reaparecimento das manchas após a melhora.
Os peelings químicos fazem parte do arsenal terapêutico, sendo os de ácido retinóico uma das opções com resultados satisfatórios.

Podem ser feitos com intervalos de 2-3 semanas entre cada sessão. Além do peeling, o único produto adicional utilizado foi o protetor solar. concluiu que o peeling de ácido retinóico é eficaz e seguro no tratamento do melasma, podem ser feitos também, peelings combinados que sao ate mais eficazes no tratamento do melasma. 

Um dado interessante foi a segurança deste peeling, medida pela ocorrência de poucos eventos adversos, todos leves e transitórios, como vermelhidão e descamação no pós-peeling imediato.
Este tratamento e um dos mais requisitados nas clinicas do Dr. Haus, pode ser feito em qualquer época do ano, com melhores resultados no Inverno.

Monday 17 October 2011

Um tratamento revolucion​ário para hidratação e rejuvenesc​imento da pele


Já está nos consultórios dos dermatologistas e cirurgiões plásticos, um produto que irá revolucionar o mercado de cosmética nacional. O restylane Vital é o primeiro hidratante injetável a base de ácido hialurônico, que permite, através da hidratação da derme, atenuar rugas e marcas finas de expressão.
Produzido e comercializado pelo laboratório sueco Q-Med, o produto faz parte da linha restylane, lançada há dez anos e única no mundo a usar a tecnologia Nasha (Non Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid). A NASHA consiste na estabilização da molécula de ácido hialurônico, que fica com menos de 1% de diferença da molécula natural, permitindo que o organismo aceite melhor os implantes e prolongando seu tempo de atuação para até um ano. Como comparação, se o ácido hialurônico for injetado como é organicamente, o corpo humano o absorverá em 48h. 

O RESTYLANE Vital é o único produto da linha usado somente para hidratação e o tratamento tem duração de aproximadamente seis meses. O ácido hialurônico, matéria-prima do produto, pertence a um grupo de compostos chamados glicosaminoglicanos e é encontrado na concentração de 56% na pele, 27% em tecidos conectivos, como tendões, ligamentos e cartilagem, e 8% nos músculos, entre outros órgãos. Sua função é dar elasticidade à pele, volume e forma aos olhos e tecidos, além de atuar como lubrificante.

O maior diferencial da NASHA em relação às técnicas similares é que estas utilizam o ácido hialurônico reticulado, em que o grau de modificação varia de 18 a 25%. Quanto mais alto esse percentual, maior a probabilidade de reações adversas ao implante. Além de ser mais segura, a tecnologia do Q-Med elimina a possibilidade de transmissão de doenças auto-imunes, o que não acontece com os ácidos de origem animal, e torna possível que o implante tenha efeito por mais tempo. Por ser de origem não animal, não é necessário que o paciente realize testes prévios de alergia.

A produção da Nasha e sua utilização possui um extenso suporte clínico publicado em todo o mundo. Foram mais de 10 milhões de tratamentos bem sucedidos. Além disso, a Q-Med realiza testes clínicos, de acordo com os protocolos aprovados pelas agências reguladoras. Atualmente, o laboratório possui a patente para utilizar a Nasha até 2016.

No Brasil o restylane Vital só pode ser aplicado por médicos e é indicado para o rosto, pescoço, colo e mãos. Cada aplicação dura em média meia hora. Para os pacientes mais sensíveis pode usar-se previamente uma pomada anestesia mas a aplicação com o sistema injector, sem qualquer tipo de anestesia, e muito bem tolerada. O Restylane Vital e injectado na derme media e profunda com um aparelho de disparo que permite ao medico controlar a quantidade  com maior precisao. E um tratamento biodegradável, O acido hialuronico integra-se nos tecidos e actua sobre o equilíbrio hídrico na zona tratada.

Resultados ja sao notados em 24 hrs apôs a aplicação, o aspecto da pele melhora muito, ficando mais suave, com uma melhora da textura e densidade da pele, tendo ate um efeito lifting, dando mais firmeza e sustentação, de forma natural e segura.

O Restylane Vital e Vital Light e uns dos tratamentos mais procurados nas clinics do Dr Haus aqui em Londres e no Rio de Janeiro.

A sociedade de Dermatologia recomenda que este procedimento seja realizado apenas por medicos dermatologista, para maior segurança dos pacientes.

Friday 14 October 2011

Carboxytherapy – Combat Dark Under-Eye Circles with Dr Ariel Haus

                                                                          Before & After

Dr Ariel Haus has been using Carboxytherapy at his Brazilian clinic for 10 years and is delighted to announce its arrival at his Harley Street Clinic in London. His most sought after treatment request has been for the treatment of dark under-eye circles also known as ‘bags’ under the eyes and Dr Haus sees this as the ideal treatment for an overworked city like London where looking good counts.

A very minimally-invasive treatment which is safe and fast and can be done in around 5 minutes, the treatment of dark under-eye circles will showcase a profound improvement in the skin texture and contour as the majority of dark under-eye circles are caused by poor circulation beneath the lower eyelids. Rejuvenating this area with Carboxytherapy is an excellent way to bid farewell to those undesired dark circles/bags.
Dr Ariel Haus injects a small amount of carbon dioxide gas just beneath the skin of the lower eyelid; this is virtually painless and risk-free. Around 2-4 treatments are needed and in some cases 6 all spaced one week apart. The results following the injections are that circulation increases and dark under-eye circles improve and most look to have completely disappeared.

Carboxytherapy dates back to the 1930s and by using this additional carbon dioxide the body recovers from poor blood flow and in turn the body reacts by increasing the oxygen flow to the target area (in this case under-eye circles).

Furthermore Carboxytherapy increases collagen formation in the skin by giving it a more youthful appearance.

Dr Ariel Haus is registered as a medical practitioner in Brazil, the United Kingdom and Portugal. The specific non-invasive cosmetic treatments that Dr. Haus offers are:
• Skin peels to remove the effects of sun damage and also to rejuvenate the skin
• Treatments to address wrinkles and frown lines
• Dermal fillers (bioplasty and Restylane SUBQ) to smooth out deeper wrinkles and lines
• Skin treatments, rejuvenation and hair removal using eMax laser  
• Body sculpting, cellulite and fat removal with Velashape, the latest technology to achieve non-surgical liposuction.

In addition to his private clinic in Harley Street, London, Dr. Haus also works in the NHS and by arrangement is also able to see patients in Rio de Janeiro.

Dr Ariel Haus only uses non-invasive treatments and medicines that have been approved by the relevant regulators in the U.K. In most cases, these procedures have also been approved for use in other countries in Europe and the United States.

Carboxytherapy sessions are priced from £180.00 for one session.  

10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF 020 7467 1525

Media Enquiries:
boutique da silva public relations – Peter da Silva

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Get to know Dr Ariel Haus

Brazil is well known for beauty and the friendly laid-back approach of its people and Dr Ariel Haus who has a clinic on Harley Street in London has added these characteristics to his day-to-day consultations.  Patients from across the world descend on Harley Street to engage in all manner of non-invasive procedures to enhance their overall look with Dr. Haus.

Fala sério!

Dr. Haus qualified as a doctor in Rio de Janeiro over 10 years ago, and since then he has practiced exclusively in the field of Dermatology and Cosmetic Medicine. Dr. Haus offers his patients a wide variety of non-invasive treatments to improve the appearance of their skin or prevent premature ageing.

Lindo maravilhoso!

Dr. Haus is registered as a medical practitioner in Brazil, the United Kingdom and Portugal. The specific non-invasive cosmetic treatments that Dr. Haus offers are:

• Skin peels to remove the effects of sun damage and also to rejuvenate the skin
• Treatments to address wrinkles and frown lines
• Dermal fillers (bioplasty and Restylane SUBQ) to smooth out deeper wrinkles and lines
• Skin treatments, rejuvenation and hair removal using eMax
• Body sculpting, cellulite and fat removal with Velashape, the latest technology to achieve non-surgical liposuction.

In addition to his private clinic in Harley Street, London, Dr. Haus also works in the NHS and by arrangement is also able to see patients in Rio de Janeiro.

Dr. Haus only uses non-invasive treatments and medicines that have been approved by the relevant regulators in the U.K. In most cases, these procedures have also been approved for use in other countries in Europe and the United States.

Dr. Haus is always happy to share his knowledge and experience with his patients, to understand the concerns they have about their skin and agree on the treatment or procedure that will best suit their specific circumstances.

É mesmo?

Dr Haus has regular columns in UK magazines and is often consulted by manufacturers of leading skin products and brands to offer insight and his opinion owing to his extensive experience. He regularly attends conferences around the world gathering insight into the latest trends and products emerging from the ever changing world of skincare science.

The media have described him as “London’s Leading Brazilian Doctor” and Dr. Haus has appeared in titles including The Times and The Evening Standard newspapers amongst others.

Com certeza!

If you’ve ever been worried or nervous about non-invasive treatments, a visit to see Dr. Haus will clear all your worries. As we approach summer now is the time to get ready and you couldn’t be in better hands.

Time to talk about the most talked about!

10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF 020 7467 1525

Media Enquiries:
boutique da silva public relations

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Spring News From Dr Ariel Haus

The UK’s Most Talked About Brazilian Doctor on Harley Street, London

Spring 2011

Welcome to Dr Ariel Haus’ Spring newsletter full of essential advice and suggestions to enhance your appearance ahead of the long anticipated summer. The countdown to summer has started- don’t be late, get your body ready now.

In This Issue:

- Cellulite Control
- Face Perfect
- Dr Haus in the Media

Hair Removal – Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Hair and its never ending growth can become particularly irritating especially as the spring wardrobe comes out. Dr Ariel Haus is delighted to announce the arrival of the revolutionary eMax machine for effective, gentle and safe hair removal for unwanted hair growth on all body areas. Hair follicles are precisely targeted and destroyed and target areas include upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck, breasts, stomach, arms, shoulders, bikini area, legs and back. Hair growth is reduced after each treatment and several are recommended. The elos Technology used is truly the next generation of safe and effective hair removal. This is a no-downtime procedure.

More information

Cellulite Control – Hoover It Away!

The non-invasive VelaShape which is globally renowned as an effective and super-fast solution to getting rid of cellulite is available at Dr Ariel Haus’ clinic in London. Six sessions are recommended and results are noticeable after a few sessions where skin feels tighter, firmer and cellulite is visibly eliminated. Combining Bi-Polar Radiofrequency, Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage, VelaShape is like nothing else to work on cellulite around the body. Target areas including the waist, legs and more see results that allow you to fit into that item of clothing you have grown out of or if you’re heading to the beach, do so with added confidence. Get a Circumferential Reduction of thighs of at least 1cm; ranging up to 7.2cm in reduction. You’ll never believe how hot you look and feel in that bikini or those speedos!

More information

Face Perfect – Wrinkles! What Wrinkles?!

Dr Ariel Haus offers all manner of wrinkle treatments that offer instant results and get rid of unwanted lines and wrinkles. From dermal fillers such as Restylane to eMax, an extensive selection of treatments is available to suit your skin type and requirements. Dr Ariel Haus would be delighted to welcome you for a skin analysis ahead of summer and increased exposure to the sunshine.

More information

Dr Ariel Haus in the Media

Don’t take our word for it; see what the UK’s leading newspapers and magazines have to say about Dr Ariel Haus.
The Times, The Evening Standard,, Diplomat Magazine, Chelsea & Mayfair Life Magazine and Spa Secrets Magazine are amongst the many to endorse Dr Ariel Haus’ fantastic work. Read more here

Book an appointment now

Thursday 10 February 2011

New at Dr Ariel Haus' Clinic: Dermaroller

Dermaroller – A Natural Way To get Smoother, Brighter, Healthier & Younger Looking Skin Now Available At Dr Ariel Haus’ Clinic In London

Before & After - Ageing & Sun Damaged Skin

Leading Brazilian Doctor – Dr Ariel Haus is delighted to expand his portfolio of skin rejuvenation therapies with the use of Dermaroller at his Harley Street clinic.  Dr Haus will use a Genuine Dermaroller™ medical device to produce thousands of micro-medical needle-columns in the skin. Each column will penetrate into the dermis of the skin and will be approximately 0.1mm in width. The column will close rapidly enabling the skin to recover quickly - often in the same day.  Dr. Haus will use a topical anaesthetic to numb the skin making the procedure comfortable; it will normally take up to 30 minutes for the topical anaesthetic to work and 20 - 30 minutes for the Genuine Dermaroller™ Therapy procedure.

After this safe and effective procedure your body will start to naturally regenerate and repair the skin- new collagen is formed and new skin cells generated whilst blood supply is also enhanced. After the possible 6 week build up time to full visible signs of regeneration the long lasting enhancement will give you a refreshed natural glow.  Usually a total of only three Dermaroller procedures are required.

Target Areas For Maximum Results Are:
·         Acne Scars
·         Stretch Marks
·         Aged Skin
·         Sun Damaged Skin
·         Facial Lines
·         Facial Wrinkles

If you simply want a natural approach to treating the above problems with your skin then Dermaroller is the answer.  Further information on Dermaroller Therapy is available at

Dr Ariel Haus now offers all manner of anti-ageing treatments ensuring all clients are looked after in a manner that suits their needs.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Dr Ariel Haus January 2011 News

Dr Ariel Haus has been busy at his clinics in London and Rio de Janeiro but he has also made time to attend some important industry conferences including:

- New York (Mt. Sinai Hospital on Dermatology and Cosmetic Medicine)

- Paris (IMCAS- International Master Course on Ageing Skin)

At the same time Dr Ariel Haus is delighted to announce the recent arrival of eMAX at his London clinic (see entry below) and his continued credit from the UK media has made him one of the most celebrated doctors.

Dr Ariel Haus is also delighted to introduce his new look website Love Dr Ariel Haus

Read the fantastic review of VelaShape with Dr Ariel Haus for both the girls and guys here

eMax Offering Wrinkle Treatment, Hair Removal, Skin Rejuvenation & More for The Complete Aesthetic Treatment Solution

One of the UK’s most celebrated Brazilian doctor’s; Dr Ariel Haus, an expert in anti-ageing and skin treatment procedures is delighted to announce the arrival of eMax powered by the revolutionary elos Technology at his Harley Street clinic in London. Dr Ariel Haus has been credited as a UK spokesman for the complete aesthetic treatment solutions delivered by this unique product. Extensive treatments are now available through Dr Haus’ London clinic and these include:

·         Wrinkle Reduction
·         Hair Removal
·         Skin Rejuvenation
·         Acne Treatment
·         Leg Veins & Vascular Lesions

The broadest spectrum of hair colours, skin textures and skin tones can be treated successfully with the eMax. Treatments are both effective and safe and ultimately deliver results like nothing else in the marketplace and Dr Ariel Haus is pioneering these treatments in the UK which has seen an increasing interest from those who are concerned about the appearance of their skin.

Wrinkle Reduction Treatments utilise optical and radio frequency energies to remodel the dermal layer of the skin which also promotes new collagen growth whilst improving the textural irregularities including moderate wrinkles and fine lines. Most patients notice results after 2-3 sessions.

Effective, gentle and safe hair removal for unwanted hair growth on all body areas is also offered by Dr Ariel Haus. Hair follicles are precisely targeted and destroyed and target areas include upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck, breasts, stomach, arms, shoulders, bikini area, legs and back. Hair growth is reduced after each treatment and several are recommended. The elos Technology used is truly the next generation of safe and effective hair removal. This is a no-downtime procedure.

To restore youthful, healthy looking skin and safely and comfortably fade the appearance of rosacea, spider veins, skin imperfections caused by sun damage, age spots and uneven skin tones created by red and brown spots- the eMax is a leader. The combined bi-polar radio frequency and light energies of elos Technology precisely and safely target pigmented lesions such as freckles. Vascular lesions are also lightened and gradually fade. Gradual and cumulative improvement of skin tone is typically achieved between 5-6 treatment sessions. The total number of sessions will depend on the skin’s condition.

For those suffering from acne, the eMax allows for clinically proven, safe and effective treatment. There is a reduction of the sebaceous gland activity and the ultimate destruction of active acne. By using the eMax, significantly less energy is required than conventional lasers and IPLs.

By offering these life enhancing treatments, Dr Ariel Haus is at the forefront of the latest developments and comments “My clinic is now home to some of the industry’s best equipment and using my expertise and knowledge I can now enhance multiple areas of the body to meet increasing patient demand for non-invasive treatments which ultimately feature minimal downtime – perfect for busy people with busy lives. I am delighted to be able to offer my patients the opportunity to experience for themselves the benefits of the revolutionary eMax.” 

To restore a natural and new, safe and effective look visit Dr Ariel Haus.